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Conedison Solutions’ Mitchell Wins Harris Award From Federal Energy Management Program

WHITE PLAINS, NY, January 26, 2000 – John Mitchell, an industry manager for ConEdison Solutions, was awarded the inaugural Louis R. Harris, Jr. Award by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program for his ongoing contribution to helping the government meet its energy efficiency goals.

"We are very proud of John Mitchell. In the time that John has been part of the ConEdison family, he has always shown the customer dedication that helped him get this recognition from the Energy Department," said John Boyd, president and chief executive officer of ConEdison Solutions. "Over the last three years, John has helped federal agencies meet their energy efficiency goals as well as purchase the electricity and natural gas they need to run their buildings."

Mitchell, who has been with ConEdison Solutions since 1997 and part of the ConEdison Inc. organization for 33 years, has worked extensively with the U.S. Postal Service, the Veterans Administration, the General Services Administration, the Social Security Administration and the Department of Defense.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Mark Ginsberg, of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Building, Technology, State and Community Programs, presented the award to Mitchell at a recent ceremony.

Award recipients were chosen based on leadership qualities thought important by the late Lou Harris, who served as the Federal Energy Management Program’s Regional Support Office Liaison and Utility Program Manager. Those qualities include professional standards of excellence, goal-oriented program management, team-building skills, cooperative spirit, effective communications and a commitment to community service.
Federal departments and agencies, operating under a series of presidential executive orders, have been pushing for higher levels of energy efficiency since 1992. The orders are designed to reduce energy consumption, which in turn leads to budgetary savings, reduced emissions that contribute to global warming, and increased demand for energy-efficient and renewable technologies.

ConEdison Solutions, a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. (NYSE: ED) is one of the leading energy services providers in the northeastern United States. In addition to providing energy resource management services, the company provides electricity and/or natural gas to customers in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut. More information can be obtained by calling 1-888-210-8899, or visiting the ConEdison Solutions web site at

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